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2024-02-11 14:23:16
美[stætʃʊtəbəl]  英[stætjʊtəbl]
adj.  法定的(规定的;法规的)


  1. From the point of view of historical development, the statutable demands mostly determine the quality of the information disclosure in the listed bank interim reports . 从历史发展的角度来看,制度要求在很大程度上决定了上市银行中期报告信息披露的质量;
  2. Convention relative au statut du fleuve Senegal 关于塞内加尔河法规的公约
  3. Contemporary Combination of Traditional Morality and Statutable Spirit Under the View of Harmonious Society 和谐社会视角下传统道德观与法治精神的当代整合
  4. a statutable offense. 可依法追究的侵权行为
  5. the statutable spirit 法治精神