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2024-02-11 14:37:17
美[stedinəs]  英[stedinəs]
n.  稳健;坚定;不变


  1. freedom from wavering or indecision; constancy of resolve or conduct;

    "He trusted her clear steadiness that she would do what she said"

  2. the quality of being steady or securely and immovably fixed in place
  3. the quality of being steady--regular and unvarying


  1. By this means and suitable dampers it is possible to control the condition of the desiccating medium with great accuracy and a steadiness of temperature that is very satisfactory.被这意谓和适当的爱挑毛病的人控制情况那用非常满意的棒的准确性和一个温度的稳健使干媒体是可能的。
  2. Her steadiness would calm Lyndon down.她的坚定能安抚林登的情绪。
  3. In other words, standing tall and firm in Tadasana gives you the steadiness and foundation of a mountain.换句话说,山式中挺拔而坚定的站立,让你感受到山峰的稳定与根基。
  4. Socialism harmonious society is not a supernormal steadiness and invariable society but it is a stable, reformatory and developmental society.社会主义和谐社会不是一个静止不变的社会,而是一个既稳定,又改革和发展的社会。