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2024-02-11 14:46:17
美[stiːm]  英[stiːm]
n.  蒸汽;水汽;蒸汽动力;轮船
v.  蒸;冒热气;行驶;<口>发怒
  过去式:steamed  过去分词:steamed  现在分词:steaming  第三人称单数:steams


  1. 蒸汽,水汽,水蒸气
  2. 轮船
  3. 精力, 精神
  4. 气力
  5. 情绪的紧张
  6. 乘船旅行
  7. 蒸气压力
  8. 怒气
  9. 蒸汽动力
  10. 全速前进
  11. 全力
  12. 声势逐渐强大
  1. 行驶
  2. <口>(使)发怒,气愤,生气
  3. (使)蒸发,散发
  4. 冒水汽,冒热气
  5. 蒸(食物),煮
  6. (使)激动
  7. 用蒸汽开动, 利用汽力开动
  8. 用蒸汽处理
  9. 蒸软(木材)
  10. 凝结蒸汽,凝结水汽,产生蒸汽
  11. 出汗
  12. 被水汽弄模糊
  13. 用蒸汽使…脱离
  14. 快速行走,疾行
  1. 蒸汽的
  2. 传送蒸汽的
  3. 用蒸汽处理的
  4. 暴露在蒸汽中的
  5. 使用蒸汽的


  1. [U] 蒸汽,气雾,水蒸气 water in the state of a gas produced by boiling
  2. [U] 蒸汽动力,蒸汽压力 power or effort produced by steam under pressure, and used for making things work or move
  3. [U] 被压抑的强烈感情; 过剩的精力或劲头 strong feelings or active strength considered as trapped by self-control
  1. vt. & vi. 冒蒸汽 give out steam
  2. vi. (靠蒸汽)行驶 travel by steam power
  3. vt. 熏蒸 use steam on, especially for unsticking or softening


  1. water at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere
  1. travel by means of steam power;

    "The ship steamed off into the Pacific"

  2. emit steam;

    "The rain forest was literally steaming"

  3. rise as vapor
  4. get very angry;

    "her indifference to his amorous advances really steamed the young man"

  5. clean by means of steaming;

    "steam-clean the upholstered sofa"

  6. cook something by letting steam pass over it;

    "just steam the vegetables"


  1. blow off steam喷出蒸汽
  2. gather steam积聚蒸汽
  3. give off steam放出蒸汽
  4. let off steam放出蒸汽
  5. make steam in a boiler用锅炉产生蒸汽
  6. produce steam产生蒸汽
  7. raise steam加热锅炉,增高气压,振奋精神
  8. shut off the steam关闭蒸汽
  9. turn off the steam关闭蒸汽
  10. use steam使用蒸汽
  11. get up steam振奋精神,(车)渐渐加速
  12. pick up steam(车)渐渐加速
  13. put on steam使劲,加油
  14. run out of steam筋疲力尽
  15. work off steam使劲干活,消耗掉多余的精力,发泄强烈的感情
  1. dry steam干蒸汽
  2. enough steam足够的蒸汽
  3. hot steam热蒸汽
  4. little steam少量的蒸汽,没有多少蒸汽
  5. saturated steam饱和蒸汽
  6. wet steam湿蒸汽
  1. steam fish蒸鱼
  2. steam rice蒸饭
  3. steam sbs glasses使某人的眼镜蒙上水汽
  4. steam surgical instruments蒸煮消毒手术器械
  1. travel by steam乘船旅行
  2. generation of steam产生蒸汽
  3. under steam在航行中
  4. ship under steam在行驶中的船
  5. at full steam开足马力,尽力地
  6. under ones own steam凭自己的力量
  7. with full steam开足马力地,尽力地
  1. steam upward水汽升起
  2. steam angrily怒不可遏
  3. steam easily容易发怒
  4. steam freely随意地发怒
  5. steam horribly可怕地发怒
  6. steam incessantly持续不断地冒蒸汽
  7. steam quickly迅速地冒蒸汽
  8. steam periodically周期性地冒蒸汽
  9. steam simultaneously同时冒蒸汽
  10. steam slightly轻微地冒蒸汽
  11. steam along奋力前进
  12. steam off开走了
  13. steam over蒙上了一层水汽
  14. steam up布满水汽
  1. steam at以…速度行驶
  2. steam down驶向下游
  3. steam into驶入
  4. steam off蒸汽使…脱离
  5. steam up驶向上游


  1. The engines are driven by steam.这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。
  2. There was a puff of steam from the engine before it stopped.机车喷出一股蒸气后就停了下来。
  3. Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。
  4. The equipment was originally powered by steam.这个机器最初使用蒸汽动力。
  5. He used to travel by steam.他过去常乘轮船旅行。
  1. The car windows steamed up.汽车窗户上有一层水汽。
  2. He steamed the stamp off the envelope.他用蒸汽把信封上的邮票揭下来。
  3. The cup of coffee was steaming.那杯咖啡在冒热气。
  4. The ship steamed into the harbor.船驶入了港湾。


    steam的基本意思是“蒸汽”,一般指液体(常指水)因蒸发、沸腾或升华而变成的气体。steam也可作“蒸汽压力”解,用于给机器提供工作或运动的能量,是不可数名词。 steam在口语中,可作“气力,精力”解,含有被压抑的、过剩的意味,用作不可数名词。 steam可以放在名词前作定语。
    steam用作名词时意思是“蒸汽”,转化为动词意思是“冒蒸汽”,引申可表示“把蒸汽用于…”“蒸发”“用蒸汽推动”“靠蒸汽行驶”,也可作“熏蒸”解。 steam在口语中可作“发怒”“使…生气”解。 steam可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常以主动形式表示被动的意义。