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2024-02-11 15:05:17
美[stiːlinəs]  英[stiːlinəs]
n.  钢状;顽固;冷酷


  1. Design separate cylinder steeliness s. 钢制蒸汽分汽缸设计。
  2. Side stainless steeliness barrel info clerk trash. 旁边的不锈钢制桶收纳垃圾。
  3. A certain steeliness behind the eyes suggests he does not care much. 而阿布那双眼睛透露出来的冷峻表明,他真的不怎么在乎。
  4. To summarize the trial-manufacture process of MS3120 steeliness module forging. 对MS-3120钢制模块锻件的试制过程进行了总结。
  5. Methods Simple operations by internal fixation with narrow steeliness. 方法通过髓内针内固定,设计简易的手术方法。
  6. The steeliness radiator different models, the color is bright, installs in indoor looks like the ornament. 钢制散热器造型各异,色彩明亮,安装在室内更像装饰品。