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2024-02-11 15:50:17
美[stenəˌgrɑːf]  英[stenəgrɑːf]
n.  速记文字;速记文字打字机
vt.  用速记文字写


  1. a shorthand character
  2. a machine for typewriting shorthand characters
  1. write in shorthand;

    "The students were able to stenograph and record the conversation"


  1. Invented in 1994, Yawei Chinese Stenograph has made many improvements, including those that enable it to work without a PC. 自1994年发明以来,亚伟中文速录(速记)机进行了多项改进,增加了存储功能,可脱离计算机独立工作。
  2. C: Yes, Ive received some special training in typing, stenograph, and common office machines operation. Im good at operating a fax machine, a photostat, and a microcomputer. 主试人:·你有没有受过办公室技能方面的特殊训练?应试人:有,我接受过打字、速记和办公室常用机器操作的特殊训练。我精通操作传真机、复印机和微型。
  3. Your position as secretary to the minister renders your authority great on the subject of political news; you never open your mouth but the stockbrokers immediately stenograph your words. 你这位部长秘书的地位使你在传播政治消息上很有权威,你一张口,那些证券投机商就立刻把你的话记录下来。
  4. The Yawei Chinese Stenograph, the first electronic steno machine in China with its own intellectual property rights, has won the second prize at the 2006 National Technology Innovation Awards. 亚伟中文速录(速记)机,中国第一台中文速录(速记)机( 也是世界上第一台中文速录(速记)机),前不久荣获了2006年度国家技术发明二等奖。
  5. Application of Computer in Chinese Stenograph Field 计算机在中文速记领域中的应用
  6. handwriting stenograph 手写速记