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2024-02-11 16:13:16
美[stepə]  英[stepə]
n.  (以特殊步态)行走的人或动物; <俚>舞者; 分档器(分节器)


  1. a professional dancer
  2. a motor (especially an electric motor) that moves or rotates in small discrete steps
  3. a horse trained to lift its feet high off the ground while walking or trotting


  1. Mount the stepper motors to the feed mechanism of machine tool. 安装步进电动机供给车床的机械装置。
  2. Stepper motor drivers head the list of output devices. 步进马达驱动器在输出设备中排在首位。
  3. The odometer is mechanical, driven by a stepper motor. 里程表为机械式,由一个步进马达带动。
  4. Stepper motor driver head the list of output devices. 步进马达驱动器在输出设备中排在首位。
  5. Precision, stepper motor-driven pick and place mechanism. 精确的步进电机驱动拾取和放置机械装置