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2024-02-11 17:10:17
美[stjuːpɒt]  英[stjuːpɒt]
n.  双把炖锅


  1. How do you cook beef stew with a stewpot? 你怎么用炖锅做炖牛肉呢?
  2. He does not see how he can empty his stewpot in time for coffee. 那是因为他还没有想到其他更好的方法来及时清空他的炖锅以为我们煮上咖啡。
  3. New heat-resistant stewpot and taBleware stand proudly without peer in this generation. 本厂新产品,耐高温炖盅餐具,堪称旷世无双。
  4. As if being reared for the stewpot wasnt bad enough, these chickens have been bred into a form their own ancestors surely wouldnt recognize. 生为肉鸡已够不幸,还被改良成这副德性,祖先见了一定不认我这个后代子孙了。
  5. double stewpot 炖锅