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2024-02-11 17:12:16
美[stɪbɪəm]  英[stɪbɪəm]
n.  锑


  1. Speciation of Soluble Arsenic Stibium and Selenium in Coating Paint on Toys[J]. 引用该论文 何桂华;赵建忠;郑新华;包海英.
  2. A new environmental friendly free cutting brass containing stibium instead of lead was produced by casting and rolling. 采用熔铸、轧制的方法生产出了以锑代铅的环保型无铅易切削黄铜板材。
  3. The experiment results show that the method is simply and efficiency for recovering stibium from lead anode slime. 试验结果表明,方法简便可行,锑回收率较高,尤其是在回收锑的同时,实现了锑与锡的分离。
  4. The reserves of tungsten, tin, stibium, zinc, titanium, lithium and so on are on top the world. 中国的有色金属储量丰富,品种繁多,有“有色金属王国”之称。其中钨、锡、锑、锌、钛、锂等金属的储量居世界首位。
  5. While sample was dissolved in aqua regia, tartaric acid as complex reagent was added in order to prevent stibium from volatilizing. 样品用王水溶解,为防止锑的挥发,加入酒石酸作为络合剂。
  6. Loudi owns rich mineral resources, so it is praised as "the City of Stibium", "One Hundred Coal Sea" and "Homeland of Nonferrous Metals". 娄底矿产资源丰富,素有“世界锑都”、“百里煤海”和“有色金属之乡”的美誉。