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2024-02-11 17:40:17
美[ˌstɪɡmətaɪzeɪʃn]  英[ˌstɪɡmətaɪzeɪʃn]
n.  污名化;打烙印


  1. the act of stigmatizing


  1. The abnormal stigmatization causes late epileptic attack. 异常斑痕组织的形成等导致晚期癫痫发作。
  2. Where stigmatization and discrimination still exist, they must end. 什麽地方仍然存在著如上所述的景况和性别歧视,那麽就必须要有人去阻止。
  3. Fear of stigmatization inhibits people from taking preventive measures and leads women and men to assess their own risks inadequately. 害怕被诬蔑使得人们不愿意采取预防性措施,并使得男女低估其所面临的危险。
  4. In the meantime, we wonder how degree of the stigmatization on the mental illness patients and their families? 此时,我们不得不心生问号,到底台湾的精障者及家属背上所承载的社会烙印程度有多少?
  5. On the whole, males who sell their sexual services to females do not experience the same degree of stigmatization. 大体上看,出售性服务给女性的男性并没有流传的那种程度的经历。
  6. Oerweight kids are more likely to suffer joint and bone problems, and hae psychological difficulties such as social stigmatization and low self-esteem. 超重儿童还有其它诸如关节和骨骼问题,而且有心理困难,表现在社交能力和贬低自我。