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2024-02-11 17:46:17
美[stɪlbɔːrn]  英[stɪlbɔːn]
adj.  死产的;流产的


  1. failing to accomplish an intended result;

    "an abortive revolt" "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President"

  2. (of newborn infant) showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn;

    "a stillborn baby"


  1. Truth of Abortion and Stillborn Babies. 堕胎死产婴真相!你情绪郁痛父母救星!
  2. It turned out to be a stillborn plan. 结果该项计划流产。
  3. Should Mom See Her Stillborn Baby? 母亲是否应当看到他们死产的胎儿?
  4. The office of the stillborn Time News with a copy of a test issue. 还没出生就宣告夭折的时代新闻社,和它出过的试刊号。
  5. Many such babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth. 许多被感染的胎儿要么是死产,要么出生不久就夭折了。
  6. Even the stillborn children are included in this family soul. 甚至是胎死腹中的孩子也包含在这个家庭灵魂里。