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2024-02-11 17:57:16
美[stɪmjʊleɪtə]  英[stɪmjʊleɪtə]
n.  激励器;激励者;刺激品


  1. Human Long acting thyroid stimulator,LATS Eli... 人长效甲状腺刺激素(LATS)试剂盒;
  2. Panic Attacks After Spinal Cord Stimulator Implantation. 脊髓刺激器植入后引起的恐慌。
  3. Moreover, in intact animals, BDNF is a potent stimulator of adult neurogenesis. 此外,在正常动物中,BDNF对于成人的神经发生是一种潜在的刺激质。
  4. Application shows that this composite stimulator can bring large profit. 应用该复合外加剂可取得较好的经济效益。
  5. This paper introduces a fully computerized cardiac programmable stimulator. 介绍了一种全微机化的程控心脏刺激仪系统。
  6. Objective To study the curative effect of stress stimulator therapy upon aircrew with acute injury of ankle ligament. 摘要目的探讨应激刺激疗法对飞行人员急性踝关节韧带损伤的疗效。