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2024-02-11 18:01:16
美[stɪŋ]  英[stɪŋ]
vt.  刺痛;使苦恼;欺诈
vi.  叮;刺痛
n.  刺;刺痛;讽刺
  副词:stingingly  过去式:stung  过去分词:stung  现在分词:stinging  第三人称单数:stings


  1. 刺,螫,叮
  2. 刺伤,刺痛
  3. 讽刺,挖苦
  4. 刺激性
  5. 刺激
  6. 苦痛
  7. 【动】针,螫针
  8. 【植】刺毛
  9. 【空】支架
  10. 探臂支杆
  11. 皮夹子,钱袋
  12. 赃物,抢劫物
  1. 刺,叮,螫
  2. 驱使,刺激使做,激励
  3. 刺疼,刺痛
  4. 使疼痛,使觉得痛,使产生疼痛,伤害
  5. 使苦闷,使苦恼
  6. <口>敲...的竹杠,敲诈,欺诈,骗,诳骗
  7. 被刺痛,感觉刺痛,感到灼痛
  8. 螫伤,刺伤
  9. 激怒,使不安


  1. vt. & vi. 刺,螫,叮 touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain
  2. vt. 激怒 anger
  3. vt. & vi. 剧痛 feel sharp pain


  1. a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung;

    "the sting of death" "he felt the stinging of nettles"

  2. a mental pain or distress;

    "a pang of conscience"

  3. a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insects stinger into skin
  4. a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
  1. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort;

    "The sun burned his face"

  2. deliver a sting to;

    "A bee stung my arm yesterday"

  3. saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous;

    "They stuck me with the dinner bill" "I was stung with a huge tax bill"

  4. cause a stinging pain;

    "The needle pricked his skin"

  5. cause an emotional pain, as if by stinging;

    "His remark stung her"


  1. sting the eye刺眼
  1. sting sharply非常痛苦
  1. sting by ridicule因受嘲笑而感痛苦
  2. sting sb for 1000 yuan骗去某人1000元
  3. sting from the caning受鞭笞的剧痛
  4. sting in the finger手指被刺
  5. sting sb into〔to〕 action激起某人的行动
  6. sting sb into doing sth刺激某人做某事
  7. sting on the finger被螫了手指
  8. sting sb to fury使某人大怒起来
  9. sting sb to the quick刺痛某人的心
  10. sting sb to rage激怒某人
  11. sting with desire受欲望驱使


  1. Her ingratitude stung him.她的忘恩负义使他痛心。
  2. The smoke began to sting his eyes.烟开始刺痛他的眼睛。
  3. Those harsh words stung me bitterly.那些严厉的言辞使我感到非常痛苦
  4. They used to sting their clients.他们过去常诈骗客户。
  1. It is the nature of the scorpion to sting .蝎子生下来就会蛰人。
  2. His knee stung from the graze.他的膝盖擦伤后十分疼痛。
  1. A bee pricks the skin with its sting.蜜蜂用螫针刺皮肤。
  2. Put mud on the sting to take away the pain.放泥在刺痛处可以减轻疼痛。
  3. His flattery carries a sting.他的奉承话中带刺。
  4. The bitterness was from old habit, and had no sting in it.这痛苦他已经习惯了,没有讽刺意味了。


    sting的基本意思是“螫; 刺; 刺痛”,指蜜蜂、马蜂或蝎等螫人。引申可作“激怒”“使感到难受或苦闷”解,指因受到别人的冷淡而懊恼或因受到良心谴责而感到坐立不安或悔恨。在口语中, sting也可表示“骗,敲…的竹杠”。 sting可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 sting后接介词for表示“为…敲竹杠”或“为…向(某人)要高价”; 后接介词into表示“激励某人去做某事”。 sting用作不及物动词时后接介词from或with表示“因…而感到疼痛”。 sting的过去式和过去分词均为stung。