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2024-02-11 18:04:17
美[stɪndʒɪlɪ]  英[stɪndʒɪlɪ]
adv.  刺骨的(刺的;吝啬的;缺乏的)


  1. in a stingy manner;

    "their rich uncle treated them rather chintzily"


  1. Evening, the peach took me to a row to block up, not stingily say, want to eat what though point! 晚上,桃子把我带到了排挡上,很大方地说,想吃什么尽管点!
  2. They give it stingily, if at all, as though every bit of approval aimed at someone else leaves less for them. 他们会吝啬的给与它,似乎,对别人的每一点认可,就会导致给自己的要少了一点。
  3. These advanced places use not stingily in with the same music of the people over. 这些先进之处毫不吝啬地用在与民同乐之上。
  4. He treated the servants, his own children as well as my grandfater the same stingily and estrangedly, and even ruthlessly to some extent. 他对待仆人;对待自己的儿女;以及对待我的祖父;都是同样的吝啬而疏远;甚至于无情.
  5. In no case learn a some girl false fairy, say what to go to bathroom.But is to not stingily say:"I release space." 绝不学某些女生假仙,说什么去洗手间。而是很大方的说:“我去释放一下空间。”
  6. When she will go to convenience, in no case learn a some girl false fairy, say what go to bathroom.But is to not stingily say:"I release space." 当她要去方便时,绝不学某些女生假仙,说什么去洗手间。而是很大方的说:“我去释放一下空间。”