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2024-02-11 18:25:17
美[stɪpjələ]  英[stɪpjələ]
adj.  托叶的;有托叶的;生在托叶上的


  1. Branchlets with enlarged nodes and circular stipular scars. 小枝有膨大的节和环状托叶痕。
  2. Stipules absent [or stipular excrescences rarely present]. 托叶无[或托叶凸起很少宿存]。
  3. Configuration feature: Erect or twine a cane this, do not have stipule or stipular and alar as accrete as Xie Bing. 形态特征: 竖立或缠绕藤本,无托叶或托叶翅状并与叶柄合生。
  4. A minute stipular sheath around the secondary divisions of the inflorescence in some members of the Polygonaceae. 托叶鞘 Ocreola (pl.;ocreolae) 某些蓼科植物中,围绕花序次级分枝的托叶状小鞘。
  5. Branchlets green, pale brown when dry, 2-5 mm thick, without ringlike stipular scars, glabrous. 小枝绿色的,干燥时的淡褐色,2-5毫米厚,没有环形的托叶的痕,无毛。
  6. Branches with stipular spines. Drupe large, 1.5-2 cm in diam.; mesocarp sweet-tasting; stone acute at both ends. Fr. Aug-Oct. 分枝具托叶刺。核果大,直径的1.;5-2厘米;中果皮甜;在两末端锐尖的核。果期8月10月。