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2024-02-11 18:34:17
美[stɜːps]  英[stɜːps]
n.  种族;祖先


  1. Our garden was founden in 2000, covering 10,000m2, possess more than 20 stirp Tibetan mastiffs. 本园成立于2000年,占地10000平方米,有基础种犬20余条。
  2. The posture, foliage, flower and fruit of Cydonia oblonga Mill have highly ornamental value, so it is a good stirp of decorative trees. 其树姿、叶片、花和果实均具有较高的观赏价值,是较好的观赏树种;
  3. Control Strategy and Pathogenicity of Wheat Stirp Rust in South Sanxi 陕南小麦条锈病发生流行的原因与防治对策
  4. stirpn. 优种繁殖(法);世系;家系;血统;种