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2024-02-11 19:22:16
美[stəʊkhəʊld]  英[stəʊkhəʊld]
n.  锅炉舱(汽锅室;火舱;生火间)


  1. (nautical) chamber or compartment in which the furnaces of a ship are stoked or fired


  1. Direct-reading spectrograph can make quick analysis at stokehold. 汽轮机、燃气轮机导叶片、叶轮。
  2. There re fast intermediate frequency furnaces, automatic record of temperature measurement at stokehold and computer network. 高导电纯铜件及各种铜合金精密铸件;
  3. The boss begs seat Edward overseeing in person in stokehold in a hundred ways immediately please do not be too hard on me this time, right now discharge of contract. 老板立即苦苦哀求坐在炉前亲自监工的爱德华高抬贵手,马上取消合同。
  4. A Study on the Stokeholds Yawp Disposal and Saving Energy Sources 锅炉房的噪声治理与节能
  5. Analysis of technical study of double-deck collocated stokehold rebuilding 双层布置锅炉房改造技术研究
  6. The Multiple Objective Assessment of Stokehold Which Using Coal, Natural Gas, Electricity 燃煤、燃气和电锅炉房的多目标综合评价