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2024-02-11 19:39:17
美[ˌstoʊmətɒlədʒɪ]  英[ˌstəʊmətɒlədʒɪ]
n.  口腔病学
  形容词:stomatological  名词:stomatologist


  1. Xiang Ya School of Stomatology,. 中南大学湘雅口腔医学院。
  2. Conclusion Endoscopy is worthy of clinical use in stomatology. 结论内镜在口腔医学领域值得临床推广应用。
  3. But one thing must be the formal selection of stomatology hospital! 但有一点,一定要选择正规医院的口腔科!
  4. AIDS patients because often the symptoms of oral treatment in stomatology. 爱滋病患者往往因为口腔症状就诊于口腔科。
  5. Bachelor diploma of stomatology, those who hold qualification of dentists are preferred. 教育背景:口腔专业本科毕业,有医生执业资格者优先。
  6. For the Students of Five-Year and Seven Year Classes of the West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University Dept. 四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔内科教研室教学目的及要求