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2024-02-11 20:06:17
美[stuːp]  英[stuːp]
n.  佝偻;弯腰;屈尊;俯冲
v.  弯腰;屈服;佝偻;屈尊;降格;俯冲
  过去式:stooped  过去分词:stooped  现在分词:stooping  第三人称单数:stoops


  1. 驼背,曲背,佝偻,伛偻
  2. 弯腰,屈身
  3. 俯冲下扑,下攫,下扑
  4. 两侧有可坐的低矮栏杆的门前露台,游廊,门廊,门口凉台
  5. 屈尊,降尊,自贬,堕落
  6. 屈服,屈从
  1. 屈从,屈服
  2. 弯腰,弯身,俯身,弓背,俯首
  3. 屈,弯,曲,倾斜,俯曲
  4. 忍辱,辱没,屈身,屈尊,屈就,卑躬屈膝,降尊,降低身分,自贬,沉沦,堕落
  5. 伛偻,驼背
  6. (鹰等捕猎时)俯冲下扑,飞扑,扑下,攫取
  7. 俯(首),屈(身)
  8. 使卑屈,使屈服


  1. vi. & vt. 曲膝,弯腰,俯首 bend the head and shoulders forward and downward
  2. vi. & vt. 降落; 卑屈 lower oneself morally


  1. an inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward
  2. basin for holy water
  3. small porch or set of steps at the front entrance of a house
  1. bend ones back forward from the waist on down;

    "he crouched down" "She bowed before the Queen" "The young man stooped to pick up the girls purse"

  2. debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way;

    "I wont stoop to reading other peoples mail"

  3. descend swiftly, as if on prey;

    "The eagle stooped on the mice in the field"

  4. sag, bend, bend over or down;

    "the rocks stooped down over the hiking path"

  5. carry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward;

    "The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane"


  1. stoop abjectly低声下气
  2. stoop cautiously小心地弯腰
  3. stoop humbly谦逊地俯首
  4. stoop miserably极不愉快地弯腰
  5. stoop wearily令人厌倦地卑屈
  6. stoop down弯下腰去
  1. stoop from old age因年老而弓背
  2. stoop in walking弓着背走路
  3. stoop over a desk伏案
  4. stoop to降低身份(去干某事)
  5. stoop to cheating卑屈以至作出欺骗行为
  6. stoop to folly卑屈以至作出愚蠢行为
  7. stoop with old age因年老而弓背


  1. The old woman walked with a stoop.老太太伛偻而行。
  2. Try not to walk with such a stoop.尽量不要驼着背走路。
  3. She has always walked with a stoop.她总是弯腰走路。
  4. The hawk descend in a vertical stoop on its quarry.鹰向它的猎物直冲而下。
  1. She stooped low to look under the bed.她弯下腰看床底下。
  2. He would never stoop to conciliate.他决不屈就和解。
  3. The man stoops with age.那个男人因年老而身体佝偻。
  4. Dont stoop to quarrel with her about it.别降低身份为这事去跟她争吵。
  5. I would never stoop to cheating.我可决不至于下贱到骗人的地步。
  6. A big eagle stooped at a prey.一只大鹰扑向一只猎物。


    stoop的基本意思是“弯腰,俯首”,有时指弯曲膝盖来降低身体的高度,而头部和躯干仍旧是挺直的。引申可作“屈尊,降格,堕落”解。还可指从较高的道德水平降到较低的道德水平或行为标准而作出不光彩的举动。 stoop可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 stoop用作不及物动词时常接动词不定式作目的状语,可直译为“弯腰做…”,还可引申译为“屈尊去做…”。 stoop后可接“to+sth/ v -ing”结构,意思是“降低身份作出…”“堕落到…程度”。