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2024-02-11 21:04:17
美[strəbɒtəmɪ]  英[strəbɒtəmɪ]
n.  斜视手术


  1. the surgical operation of cutting a muscle or tendon of the eye in order to correct strabismus


  1. Is the successful machine rate of strabotomy how old? 斜视手术的成功机率多大?
  2. The strabotomy that the eye does, can you get online? 眼睛做的斜视手术,能上网吗?
  3. Objective To explore the influence of conmitant esotropia strabotomy on the development of binocular single vision in children. 目的讨论共同性内斜视手术对儿童双眼单视功能发育的影响。
  4. The clinical analysis of 32 cases of childrens comitant esotropia strabotomy 儿童共同性内斜视手术32例临床分析
  5. Clinical observation of sodium hyaluronate application in adherent strabotomy 透明质酸钠在粘连性斜视矫正中的应用
  6. Analysis for the selection of incision for strabotomy and co-operation for operation 斜视手术切口选择及手术配合分析