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2024-02-11 21:17:16
美[streɪt]  英[streɪt]
adj.  直的;坦率的;正直的;准的;连续的;异性恋的
adv.  笔直地;直接;坦率地;连续不断地
n.  直的东西;传统的人;异性恋者
  副词:straightly  比较级:straighter  最高级:straightest  名词:straightness


  1. 直的
  2. 连续的
  3. 平的
  4. 正统的
  5. 正直的
  6. 有条理的
  7. 直率的
  8. 纯的
  9. 整齐的,整洁的,井井有条的
  10. 准的
  11. 异性恋的
  12. 直筒型(非紧身)的
  13. 正中目标的
  14. 周正的
  15. 与…平行的
  16. 整洁的
  17. 不间断的
  18. 简单明了的
  1. 直地,笔直地,成直线
  2. 平正地,端正地
  3. 立即,马上,立刻
  4. 坦率地,坦诚地
  5. 直接,径直,连续不断地
  6. 直截了当地
  7. 正直地,诚实地
  8. 整洁地,井然有序地
  9. 【新闻学】如实客观地
  1. 直线,直线部分
  2. 直道,直道部分
  3. 真相
  4. 五张牌点数连续的顺子,五张顺牌
  5. 【拳击】直击,直拳
  6. 挺直
  7. 从正面击打
  8. <俚>非同性恋者,异性恋者
  9. 非吸毒者
  10. 循规蹈矩的人,保守的人
  11. 工厂制造的香烟


  1. 直的,笔直的 without a bend or curve
  2. 连续的,不间断的 continuous; successive
  3. 直率的 of a person, his behaviour, etc. honest; truthful
  1. 直接地; 径直地 directly
  2. 立即,马上 by a direct route; without delay or hesitation


  1. a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex
  2. a poker hand with 5 consecutive cards (regardless of suit)
  3. a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse
  1. successive (without a break);

    "sick for five straight days"

  2. having no deviations;

    "straight lines" "straight roads across the desert" "straight teeth" "straight shoulders"

  3. (of hair) having no waves or curls;

    "her naturally straight hair hung long and silky"

  4. erect in posture;

    "sit straight" "stood defiantly with unbowed back"

  5. in keeping with the facts;

    "set the record straight" "made sure the facts were straight in the report"

  6. characterized by honesty and fairness;

    "straight dealing" "a square deal"

  7. no longer coiled
  8. free from curves or angles;

    "a straight line"

  9. neatly arranged; not disorderly;

    "the room is straight now"

  10. not homosexual
  11. accurately fitted; level;

    "the window frame isnt quite true"

  12. without evasion or compromise;

    "a square contradiction" "he is not being as straightforward as it appears"

  13. without water;

    "took his whiskey neat"

  14. following a correct or logical method;

    "straight reasoning"

  15. rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
  1. without deviation;

    "the path leads directly to the lake" "went direct to the office"

  2. in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly;

    "he didnt answer directly" "told me straight out" "came out flat for less work and more pay"

  3. in a straight line; in a direct course;

    "the road runs straight"


  1. straight actor演技朴实的男演员
  2. straight answer坦诚的回答
  3. straight back笔直的背
  4. straight cement纯水泥
  5. straight ballot彻底支持某政党所有候选人的一票
  6. straight hair直的头发
  7. straight line直线
  8. straight path笔直的路
  9. straight play话剧
  10. straight road直的路
  11. straight rod直的杆子
  12. straight sequence of events事件的先后顺序
  13. straight skirt直筒裙
  14. straight story实事求是的一件事
  15. straight swap简单直接的交换
  16. straight theatre正统戏剧
  17. straight thinker思路有条理
  18. straight timber笔直的木材
  19. straight tip准确的内部消息
  20. straight whisky未掺水的纯威士忌
  21. straight wins连续获胜
  1. get sth straight把某事弄清楚
  2. go straight遵纪守法,正直做人
  3. keep sb straight使某人端正自己的行为
  4. put the record straight把记录搞正确
  5. set sb straight去除某人的错误想法,纠正某人
  1. straight with对…坦诚的
  1. straight go直走
  2. straight look向前直视
  3. straight put把…摆正
  4. straight sit up坐正
  5. straight stand站直
  6. straight think正确地进行思考
  7. straight walk向前走


  1. Light travels in straight lines.光是沿直线传播。
  2. I want a straight answer to the question.我想提问和回答都要直截了当。
  3. John Wayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter.约翰·韦恩是一个直言不讳、一针见血的人。
  4. He is as straight as an arrow.他是个正直的人。
  5. I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.我已指教你走智慧的道,引导你行正直的路。
  6. He gave us a straight trip.他给我们一个准确的内部消息。
  7. He was sick for five straight days.他连续病了四天。
  8. For seven straight seasons, he led the NBA in scoring.他连续七个赛季都是NBA得分最多的球员。
  9. Michael, who pretends to be straight, unexpectedly runs into Tracy in front of a gay bar.假装是异性恋的迈克尔在一家同性酒吧外遇见了特雷西。
  1. The smoke rose straight up.烟直直地上升。
  2. The car was coming straight at me.这辆车径直地向我驶来。
  3. The liner flew straight to Nanjing.客机直达南京。
  4. You can go straight to the zoo by bus.你乘公共汽车就可以直接到达动物园。
  5. Well pick you up and head straight to the airport.我们回来接你,然后直接开往机场。
  6. The liner flew straight to Nanjing.客机直达南京。
  7. I dont think one does any good if one works straight through.我认为一个人只是一个劲地埋头工作是没有什么好处的。


    straight的基本意思是“直的”,指向一个方向延伸或运动的。 straight用以指物时可表示“直的,直立的,笔直的,挺直的”“整齐的,端正的”。 straight用以指人,可作“正直的,诚实的”“有条理的”解。 straight指人的面孔时,可指“严肃的,毫无笑容的”。 在美国口语中, straight作“不加水的,纯粹的”“直接的,连续的”解时没有比较级和最高级。 straight对于戏剧来说,指的是“纯正的,正统的”。 straight在句中可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。
    straight用于空间时,指某物是“直地,直线地,笔直地”; 用于时间时,可表示“立即地,马上”; 用于方向时,可表示“方向准确地,正确地”。straight引申可表示说话方式是“直截了当地”; 用于比喻时可指为人处世时“坦诚地”。也可指人的眼睛或思维“清楚地”。 straight可修饰动词,也可修饰介词。


  1. 一条直路从一个地方笔直地通到另一个地方。

    A straight road goes straightly from one place to another.

    A straight road goes straight from one place to another.

    straight 既是形容词,又是副词,英语中没有straightly 这个词。