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2024-02-11 21:20:17
美[streɪtn]  英[streɪtn]
v.  弄直;使正确;整顿;挺直
  名词:straightener  过去式:straightened  过去分词:straightened  现在分词:straightening  第三人称单数:straightens


  1. straighten up or out; make straight
  2. make straight
  3. get up from a sitting or slouching position;

    "The students straightened when the teacher entered"

  4. put (things or places) in order;

    "Tidy up your room!"

  5. straighten by unrolling;

    "roll out the big map"

  6. make straight or straighter;

    "Straighten this post" "straighten hair"


  1. Exercise helped to straighten the injured arm.体操有助於弄直受伤的手臂。
  2. Drouet arose, kicked his legs to straighten his trousers, and seized his clean yellow grip.杜洛埃站起身来,踢了踢腿,弄直裤子,然后抓起了他的干净的黄提箱。
  3. He made a decision to straighten up his life.他决定整顿他的生活。
  4. In order to straighten things out, we must have strict standards.整顿,一定要从严。
  5. A burst of laughter made him straighten himself and look round.一阵笑声使他挺直了身子向左右张望。
  6. Straighten up slowly, then repeat the exercise ten times.慢慢挺直身体,然后把这个动作重复十次。