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2024-02-11 21:41:17
美[strəmoʊnɪəm]  英[strəməʊnɪəm]
n.  曼陀草;朝鲜牵牛花;其晒干的叶


  1. If the non-smoking woman is coccinellin ,the smoking woman is stramonium. 如果说,不吸烟的女人是一抹胭脂红,那么吸的女人就是一朵曼陀罗。
  2. A coarse,poisonous plant(Datura stramonium) having large,trumpet-shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
  3. A coarse, poisonous plant(Datura stramonium) having large, trumpet-shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
  4. Some plants (such as Datura stramonium) of this family do good service as a medicine or narcotic. 也有数种植物可做为药用及麻醉剂,如美洲曼陀罗。
  5. A coarse, poisonous plant(Datura stramonium)having large, trumpet - shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
  6. A coarse,poisonous plant(Datura stramonium)having large,trumpet - shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚