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2024-02-11 21:53:16
美[stræŋgjəˌleɪt]  英[stræŋgjʊleɪt]
v.  使窒息;绞窄;挤压
  过去式:strangulated  过去分词:strangulated  现在分词:strangulating  第三人称单数:strangulates


  1. kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air;

    "he tried to strangle his opponent" "A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutes"

  2. constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air
  3. become constricted;

    "The hernia will strangulate"


  1. The hernia will strangulate and Become necrotic. 疝气梗塞而变坏死。
  2. Strangulate is no longer modified by attack power. 绞杀不再受到攻击强度影响。
  3. Equip: Reduces the cooldown of your Strangulate by 5 seconds. 手套装备:使你的绞杀冷却时间降低5秒。。。
  4. Strangulate -- Depletes all Runic Power, dealing minor damage and silencing the target for up to 5 seconds. 绞杀:消耗所有的符文能量,造成少量伤害并使对方沉默最多5秒。
  5. The same is true of both Strangulate and Mind Freeze. Strangulates cooldown is going to go up. Mind Freeze remains the quick interrupt. 绞杀以及思维冻结重复了,绞杀旳冷却将提高,思维冻结则是快速旳打断技。
  6. The hernia will strangulate. 疝气会阻断血液的流通。