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2024-02-11 23:08:17
美[striːmˌbed]  英[striːmbed]
n.  河床


  1. a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a stream


  1. A streambed, often dry according to the season. 干河谷随季节变化通常干涸的河谷
  2. A streambed filled with water only in the rainy season. 只在雨季有水的河床
  3. A valley, gully, or streambed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season. 旱谷(干河床)北非或西南非的山谷、峡谷或河床,除雨季外一直保持干涸
  4. Bar: n. A ridge, as of sand or gravel, on a shore or streambed, that is formed by the action of tides or currents. 沙洲,沙滩:在海边,河床等处由沙子或小石子形成的隆起,由潮水或水流运动而形成。
  5. A valley,gully,or streambed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season. 旱谷(干河床)北非或西南非的山谷、峡谷或河床,除雨季外一直保持干涸
  6. A ridge, as of sand or gravel, on a shore or streambed, that is formed by the action of tides or currents. 沙洲,沙滩在海边,河床等处由沙子或小石子形成的隆起,由潮水或水流运动而形成