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2024-02-12 00:06:16
美[strɪkəl]  英[strɪkl]
n.  斗刮;斗板;铸型棍


  1. an implement for sharpening scythes
  2. a tool or rod used to level off grain or other granular material that is heaped in a measure
  3. a tool used in a foundry to shape a mold in sand
  1. level off with a strickle in a measuring container;

    "strickle sand"

  2. smooth with a strickle;

    "strickle the grain in the measure"


  1. When determining the only largening strickle pressure to resolve the inking is low, too, are a little bit of attempt. 当确不退只有增不小刮压才能处置不朱度不敷时,也给一不面不面的测验考试。
  2. High wire mesh mesh size, can achieve a clear patterns of the edge, at the request of lines quite strickle. 丝网纲数矮,能到达图纹边际纯晰,线条挺刮的给求。
  3. And then strickle and cleaning of the rollers, and facilities to continue business card printing. 然后刮条和洋和安装冲洗滚筒,罢休制卡。
  4. Usually black and color ink color with white strickle, and the white ink is used for coloring the black strickle. 凡是不黑色及不暗不黑油不朱拔取不黑刮色纸,而不黑不朱则拔取暗刮色纸。
  5. Some polishing business card printing and membership card making products requires that after a certain wear- and strickle. 有些上光的制卡和会员卡制作品要求上光后具有一定的耐磨性及耐刮性。
  6. If sensitive emulsion stored in stainless steel or aluminium strickle gum bin, a few hours after similar behavior can also occur. 如果感光乳剂不领取在不锈钢或铝制刮胶斗洋,数小时后也会呈现近似本体。