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2024-02-12 00:34:17
美[strɪndʒənsi]  英[strɪndʒənsi]
n.  紧迫;严厉;(货币)银根紧


  1. a state occasioned by scarcity of money and a shortage of credit
  2. conscientious attention to rules and details


  1. The gaze were filled with care, stringency, trust, and also hope! 有呵护,有严格,有信任,更有希望!
  2. Bankers say financial stringency constitutes a serious threat to the country. 银行家们说信用紧缩对国家构成了严重的威胁。
  3. Expression on the face is sometimes compared to language have more stringency. 脸上的表情往往比语言更具说服力。
  4. The worldwide trend is toward increasing stringency of VOC regulations. 而在全球范围内控制VOC的排放也是大势所趋。
  5. The University should not lay off its employees on the ground of financial stringency. 校方不应以财政紧绌为理由,解雇员工。
  6. The figures of his works are tinted with some stringency and hindered intelligibility. 他的人物不论干什么都有几分吃力,都有几分不顺畅的艰涩。