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2024-02-12 00:43:17
美[strɪp]  英[strɪp]
v.  剥去;剥夺;脱衣;除去
n.  脱衣舞;长条;条状
  过去式:stripped  过去分词:stripped  现在分词:stripping  第三人称单数:strips


  1. 掠夺,剥夺,夺去,褫夺
  2. 分解,拆卸,拆开
  3. 去...的茎
  4. 磨损螺纹
  5. 剥,剥去,剥光
  6. 从…中删除不必要的内容
  7. 挤干(牛)的奶
  8. 折断(齿轮)的齿
  9. 把…撕成带形;把…切成细条
  10. 揭去;除去
  11. 脱去衣服,脱光衣服
  12. 从(某处)拿走所有东西;使(某处)空无一物
  13. 揭穿
  14. 清除
  15. 表演脱衣舞
  16. 去皮,剥皮
  17. 子弹不旋转
  1. 脱衣舞
  2. 连环漫画
  3. 支板
  4. 【空】简易机场
  5. 一行邮票
  6. <口>足球选手等的制服
  7. 条,带
  8. 细长片;长条
  9. 商业街
  10. 带状地,狭长地带
  11. 带状水域
  12. 条状
  13. 条状侦察照片


  1. vi. 脱光衣服 undress completely
  2. vt. 剥去,脱去 take off (clothes, coverings, parts, etc.) from sb/sth
  3. vt. 剥夺,夺走 take away


  1. a relatively long narrow piece of something;

    "he felt a flat strip of muscle"

  2. artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
  3. an airfield without normal airport facilities
  4. a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book
  5. thin piece of wood or metal
  6. a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to music;

    "she did a strip right in front of everyone"

  1. take away possessions from someone;

    "The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets"

  2. get undressed;

    "please dont undress in front of everybody!" "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"

  3. remove the surface from;

    "strip wood"

  4. remove substances from by a percolating liquid;

    "leach the soil"

  5. lay bare;

    "denude a forest"

  6. steal goods; take as spoils;

    "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

  7. remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely;

    "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters" "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"

  8. strip the cured leaves from;

    "strip tobacco"

  9. remove the thread (of screws)
  10. remove a constituent from a liquid
  11. take off or remove;

    "strip a wall of its wallpaper"

  12. draw the last milk (of cows)
  13. remove (someones or ones own) clothes;

    "The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim" "She divested herself of her outdoor clothes" "He disinvested himself of his garments"


  1. strip away〔off〕剥去,刮去,撕去
  2. strip down拆卸,拆开(机器)
  1. strip for因…而脱衣
  2. strip from剥〔刮〕去
  3. strip of剥夺…
  4. strip to将(衣服)脱至


  1. Elephants strip the leaves from trees.大象剥去了树上的叶子。
  2. It was wrong of him to strip his daughter of the right to education.他不该剥夺他女儿受教育的权利。
  3. Having been stripped of all his titles, he disappeared from public life.他被剥夺一切荣誉之后,就从公共生活中消声匿迹了。
  4. The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river.孩子们脱掉衣服跳进河里。
  5. It is difficult to strip away the greasy dirt on the table.要除去桌上的油污太难了。
  1. You met me at a strip club.你和我是在脱衣舞俱乐部里认识的。
  2. She got drunk and did a strip on top of the piano.她喝多了,在钢琴上大跳脱衣舞。
  3. The runway is simply a strip of grass.所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。
  4. A neighborhood center is usually configured as a straight-line strip with no enclosed walkway or mall area, although a canopy may connect the storefronts.邻里中心通常呈直线条状的形态,虽然有天棚可以连接各个店面,但是没有步行街或摩尔区域。