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2024-02-12 00:47:17
美[strɪplaɪn]  英[strɪplaɪn]
n.  电介质条状线(微波带状线)


  1. Electro-optic effect on stripline travelling wave Pockels cell[J]. 引用该论文 肖纲要;何慧娟;刘玉璞;张影华;王之江.
  2. Solution of field distribution in stripline directional coupler[J]. 引用该论文 石德万;王文祥;宫玉彬;魏彦玉.
  3. All the designs demonstrate the miniaturization capability of the proposed artificial coupled stripline. 本论文之三项电路设计皆证明此人工合成耦合带线之电路缩小化能力。
  4. Suspended coplanar waveguides have the advantage of both finline and suspended stripline. 悬置共面波导兼有鳍线和悬置带线的优点。
  5. A special shielded microsirip line is suggested.it may be analysed by the method of stripline. 本文提出一种可用带状线方法进行分析的特殊微带线。
  6. Abstract: Suspended coplanar waveguides have the advantage of both finline and suspended stripline. 摘 要: 悬置共面波导兼有鳍线和悬置带线的优点。