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2024-02-12 01:09:16
美[strɔːɡənɔːf]  英[strɒɡənɒf]
adj.  (肉类等切丝后) 加蘑菇和酸奶油炒的


  1. How do you find the beef stroganoff? 你觉得牛肉条怎样?
  2. I think beef stroganoff is very good today,sir. 我认为今天的牛肉条不错。
  3. Okay,Ill take beef stroganoff,and could I have buttered rice instead of noodles? 好的,我就要牛肉条,同时我不要面条而要奶油饭好吗?
  4. C:Okay,Ill take beef stroganoff,and could I have buttered rice instead of noodles? 好的,我就要牛肉条,同时我不要面条而要奶油饭好吗?
  5. Lamb and classic beef dishes including Stroganoff, steak with Bordelaise, Bearnaise or other rich sauces. Duck and pheasant. Grilled salmon. 带沙拉酱羊羔和经典牛肉肉、法式牛排,蛋黄酱或者其他浓调味的汤。鸭子和野鸡。烤三文鱼。
  6. Why its better: By supplementing those Minnie Mouse portions of prepackaged beef Stroganoff with a tub of salad, dieters complain less about being hungry. 好处:吃上一点点盒装的俄式牛肉,再来点蔬菜沙拉,减肥的人就不会整天喊饿了。