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2024-02-12 01:39:17
美[strɔɪ]  英[strɔɪ]
vt.  <古>毁灭


  1. I dont care what your stroy is. 我不管你的过去是怎样的。
  2. I doubted whether the stroy is true. 我怀疑那故事是不是真的.
  3. This is the stroy of so many student in here. 这是在发生在这里许多学生身上的故事。
  4. A long stroy may be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事可缩写成几句话.
  5. Lets strat our stroy together . 只希望伱以真情相待。
  6. When I was telling a stroy, I felt a very happy. 当我讲故事的时侯;我过得非常开心.