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2024-02-12 01:41:17
美[strʌktʃərəl]  英[strʌktʃərəl]
adj.  结构的;构造的;建筑的;建筑用的


  1. 构造的
  2. 结构的,与结构有关的
  3. 建筑的,建筑用的
  4. 组织的
  5. 结构语言学的
  6. 地壳构造的


  1. relating to or caused by structure, especially political or economic structure;

    "structural unemployment in a technological society"

  2. relating to or having or characterized by structure;

    "structural engineer" "structural errors" "structural simplicity"

  3. affecting or involved in structure or construction;

    "the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters; not ornamental elements" "structural damage"

  4. concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of study
  5. pertaining to geological structure;

    "geomorphological features of the Black Hills" "morphological features of granite" "structural effects of folding and faulting of the earths surface"

  6. relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals;

    "morphological differences"


  1. Such structural information could be bankable.这种蛋白质结构的资讯是可以卖钱的。
  2. The dynamic simulation of FOPS will provide the basis for the structural design.落物保护结构的动态仿真为结构的设计提供了依据。
  3. Note that in areas of monoclinal dip the closure of a trap may not be the same as its structural relief.值得注意的是,在只有单斜地层的构造内,圈闭的幅度可能与构造的起伏不一样。
  4. Interpretation of these structures can be improved by the application of accurate structural models and balanced cross section techniques.利用准确的构造模型的平衡截面兔方法能提高对这些构造的解释。
  5. Blue fluorescent tubes wash the floor with an eerie light while up-lighters accentuate structural members.蓝色的荧光灯管给地板渡上了一层奇特的光亮,向上照射的灯渲染着建筑的每一部分。
  6. The structural type and design scheme for a building project should be based on its serviceable function and force conditions.摘要建筑工程设计时,需要根据建筑的使用功能和建筑结构的受力特征,确定结构形式及设计方案。