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2024-02-12 02:06:17
美[struːvaɪt]  英[struːvaɪt]
n.  [矿]鸟粪石


  1. Why would you suspect a struvite stone? |你为什么会怀疑鸟粪石?
  2. Struvite and calcium oxalate stones are by far the most common. 最常见的是磷酸铵和草酸钙结石。
  3. Components of the stones included whewellite, weddelite, carbonated-apatite, struvite, brushite and uric acid. 结果发现结石的种类有单水草酸钙、双水草酸钙、碳酸磷灰石、磷酸铵镁、双水磷酸氢钙及尿酸结石等。
  4. Oxalate stones have now become an increasingly common side effect of treatment for struvite crystals. 草酸盐结晶已成为治疗鸟粪石结晶时常发生的一个副作用。(。。。
  5. This paper discussed the formation mechanism and influencing factors of struvite. 摘要论述了鸟粪石的形成机理、形成的影响因素。
  6. Introducing struvite precipitation to the pretreatment of Zhang Jiagang steel plant was reported in this article. 研究用鸟粪石结晶沉淀法对苏州某钢铁厂焦化废水进行前处理。