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2024-02-12 02:18:16
美[stʌbli]  英[stʌbli]
adj.  多断株的;断株一般的;短而粗硬的


  1. having a short growth of beard;

    "his stubbled chin"


  1. Look at that slightly stubbly chin. 看那下巴上精心修过的胡渣。
  2. It has big wheels, vanes in the bonnet. Brush aluminum grills in the sort of stubbly / chin. 她装配了硕大的轮圈、发动机罩上的开口以及前唇上的铝制栅格。
  3. It has big wheels, vanes in the bonnet. Brush aluminum grills in the sort of stubbly coothardy chill. 她的大轮圈,发动机罩里的叶片,还有那铝制的栅格实在是令人心寒。
  4. According to a new research from the University of Northumbria in the UK, men with a sparse and stubbly beard are most attractive. 英国一所大学的最新研究表明,蓄有稀疏胡茬的男性最具吸引力。
  5. The growth of your beard means basically is from your father there accede come down, have some of man a stubbly beard, some men beard is sparse. 你胡须的生长方式基本上是从你父亲那儿继承下来的,有些男人胡子拉碴,有些男人胡须稀稀落落。
  6. If you do not like a stubbly beard, and always want to blow not remnant, you can choose the razor of double deck or three-layer razor blade. 如果你不喜欢胡子拉碴,而总想刮得一根不剩,你可以选用双层或三层刀片的剃刀。