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2024-02-12 02:52:16
美[stʌmpɪdʒ]  英[stʌmpɪdʒ]
n.  立木(未砍倒的树木)


  1. Vivid stumpage total save up is 662. 30 thousand stere, .. 活立木总蓄积为662.3万立方米,...
  2. Purchase sapling plantation: APP purchases over ground live stumpage and land tenure of forests. 收购幼林对已造林地,APP收购地上活立木及林地使用权。
  3. Save up of stumpage having work measures 403 million stere, rank the whole nation to visit an area the 8th. 有活立木蓄积量4.;03亿立方米;名列全国省区第八位。
  4. Tenancy: Forestland owner transfers land tenure to APP, then obtains reward by rent or part behalf of stumpage harvest. 租赁林地方把林地使用权转让给APP,以租金或立木分成方式的方式取得林地报酬。
  5. Whole town forest is enclothed rate 71.39% , vivid stumpage save up measures 2 790 810m3. 全镇森林覆盖率71.;39%25;活立木蓄积量2 790 810m3。
  6. Si in relief county has rich forestry resource, vivid stumpage save up measures year after year to increase. 泗阳县具有丰富的林业资源,活立木蓄积量逐年增加。