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2024-02-12 03:33:16
美[staɪlɪt]  英[staɪlɪt]
n.  短剑;探针


  1. small needlelike appendage; especially the feeding organ of a tardigrade


  1. Shapable stylet to conform to the patients anatomy. 针型,以符合病人的解剖结构。
  2. One can estimate the length of the stylet sheaths of several cicadellid species feeding on sorghum and clover. 人们能够估计那些以高梁和三叶草为食的几种叶蝉类螯针鞘的长度。
  3. Insert the stylet into the endotracheal tube, maintaining the tubes natural cure. 把导管管芯插入气管导管,保持导管正常的曲度。
  4. Insert the stylet into the endotracheal tube, maintaining the tubes natural curve. 把导管管芯插入气管导管,保持导管正常的曲度。
  5. A procedure of stylet withdrawal and repenetration occurs before and after moulting. 幼虫蜕皮时先拔出口针,新龄期的幼虫将其口针重新刺入叶组织。
  6. The SOS - Shikani Optical Stylet is an innovative airway management tool easily tailored to your setting and budget. 紧急呼救-尼光针是一种创新的气道管理工具容易适合你的设置和预算。Rugged components assemble in seconds and can be sterilized for repeated use.;凹凸不平的零件装配秒,可消毒重复使用。