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2024-02-12 03:44:16
美[staɪˌlaɪz]  英[staɪlaɪz]
vt.  使风格化; 仿效 ... 的风格
sp.  =stylise
  名词:stylization  过去式:stylized  过去分词:stylized  现在分词:stylizing  第三人称单数:stylizes


  1. represent according to a conventional style;

    "a stylized female head"


  1. Apply Effect "Trapcode Starglow" and Apply Effect >Stylize >Glow. 再添加一下辉光效果,使得效果更上一层楼。
  2. Any evidence of stripping or scissoring of coat to shape or stylize should be strongly penalized as a fault. 明显的修剪、雕琢、修饰被毛,将受到严厉的处罚,与缺陷一样。
  3. Wash away the ghosts layer using Gaussian Blur Filter and modify its just created duplicate using Stylize Filter. 洗去鬼的层使用高斯模糊滤镜和修改它刚刚创建重复使用风格化过滤器。
  4. China drama is well known as a comprehensive art for its abstractive and stylize performance way contrary to its integrity and audience consciousness. 中国戏剧作为一门综合艺术,其虚拟性和程式化表演方式是尽人皆知的,但完整性及观众意识,却鲜为人提及。
  5. During the Q&A, fans asked Gillard if he drew inspiration from the original trilogy when he began to stylize lightsaber styles of characters such as Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin. 在问答部分,影迷们问吉拉德,当他开始为诸如奥比万、尤达和阿纳金这样的角色设计光剑招式风格时,是否从原三部曲里寻找灵感。
  6. Stylize your shelves: Break up books on your bookshelf with interesting items: travel souvenirs, mismatched picture frames or a collection of something you love. 使你的书架风格化:用有趣的物品把你书架上面的书隔开:旅游纪念品,没搭配好的相框,或者某件你喜欢的收藏物。