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2024-02-12 03:59:17
美[stɪptɪk]  英[stɪptɪk]
adj.  止血的
n.  止血剂


  1. a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
  1. tending to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels


  1. Tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic. 收缩性的有助于聚集或收缩有机组织的;收缩性的
  2. Tending to draw together or constrict tissues;styptic. 收缩性的有助于聚集或收缩有机组织的;收缩性的
  3. Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic. 亚洲一种树冠茂密的树蕨,有时用于止血。
  4. Conclusion: It is of benefit to treat the relief incisions during palatorrhaphy with absorbable styptic gauze. 结论:腭裂松弛切口填塞可吸收性止血纱布比填塞碘仿纱条更有利于患者术后的康复。
  5. The styptic fibres are made by spinning a mixture of gelatin and a synthetic low molecular polymer. 本文报告了止血纤维一些实验研究的结果。
  6. Methods Quick-acting styptic powder was cast on the bleeding part of human body. 方法把速效止血粉直接洒在出血部位,观察止血效果、止血时间和起效时间。