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2024-02-12 04:01:17
美[staɪræks]  英[staɪræks]
n.  苏合香脂(安息香)


  1. any shrub or small tree of the genus Styrax having fragrant bell-shaped flowers that hang below the dark green foliage


  1. Styrax chinensis and its forestation techniques. 中华安息香及其造林技术.
  2. Styrax suberifolius Hook. et Am. 红皮树
  3. Styrax in Henan Province were studied by field investigation and data analysis. 摘要采用野外调查和资料研究方法,对河南安息香属植物进行了研究。
  4. Other fixatives which may be used include the oleoresins such as benzoin, or styrax. 其他可用的固定剂有苯偶姻或安息香等含油树脂。
  5. A balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Styrax and used in perfumery and medicine. 安息香从某些安息香属亚洲热带树木中提取的香脂,用在香料和药品中
  6. Being a semi-flowable and sticky liquid, styrax is both of volatility and inconvenient for use. 苏合香是半流动性粘稠液体,既具有挥发性又不便于使用,冰片易升华。