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2024-02-12 04:13:16
美[swævətɪ]  英[swævɪtɪ]
n.  温和;殷勤;愉快


  1. the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner


  1. Hes got a surface flow of suavity, but hes rough as a rasp underneath. 他表面看来和和气气的,其实是个粗野狂暴的恶棍。
  2. If anything could have betrayed his lack of joy, it was his increased suavity. 如果有什么东西可以使人察觉他不及从前那么快乐的话,那就是他更加和颜悦色了。
  3. But the well-bred, artificial smile, when he bent upon the guests, had its wonted steely suavity. 但是他哈着腰向宾客招呼的那种彬彬有礼、故意装成的笑容里,却仍然具有它平时那种沉着的殷勤。
  4. The application of composites molding by vacuum-only cure technology in SUAV airframe is presented. 介绍袋压法成型复合材料在小型无人机机体结构中的应用情况。
  5. This is the simplest description of her character which, although by no means without liberal motions, rarely succeeded in giving an impression of suavity. 这是对她的性格最扼要的说明,这种性格虽然不能说毫无仁慈可言,但很难给人以温柔的感觉。
  6. Longitudinal aerodynamic data of a small unmanned aerial vehicle (SUAV) were obtained though an aerodynamic estimation method. 摘要应用气动力估算方法得到某小型无人机的纵向气动力数据;