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2024-02-12 04:42:16
美[ˌsʌbɔːdɪʃən]  英[ˌsʌbɔːdɪʃən]
n.  言外之意;领悟言外之意


  1. The value of context lies in conversations, and an utterance can imply the speakers subaudition. 语境的价值主要在于会话含义中,一个话语在不同的语境中能体现说话人的言外之意、弦外之音。
  2. Mainly closed to specific context and customny sentence style indirect speech act and ellipsis sentence discussed subaudition of ellipsis. 在间接言语行为与省略句部分,重点结合具体语境及日常惯用句式,探讨了省略部分所表达的言外之意。
  3. That is particularly evident in Chinese language, for example, "subaudition" or "implication" in Chinese "extent reached" poetry. 例如,中国诗词“境界”学说视野中的“言外之意”或“弦外之音”的问题。
  4. Japanese is a highly developed language of indirect speech act.Indirect speech act mainly study to discuss expression of euphemism, and subaudition. 日语是间接言语行为高度发达的语言,研究间接言语行为主要是探讨婉转的表达方式,研究言外之意。
  5. Many forms are shown in the semantic transition, semantic reconstruction and the use of rhetorical devices of E-C numerals, which helps produce large numbers of subaudition and implications. 摘要英汉语数词的语义转换、语义重构与修辞手段的运用呈现出不同方式,从而产生出大量的“言外之意、弦外之音”。
  6. From sentence style points of view, closed to specific context, interrogative sentence, negative sentence and ellipsis sentence, as well as the subaudition of the three kinds of sentence. 本文从句式角度,紧密结合具体的语境,探讨了日语的间接言语行为与疑问句、否定句、省略句的关系及三种句式能够间接表达的言外之意。