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2024-02-12 05:15:17
美[sʌbkʌmpənɪ]  英[sʌbkʌmpənɪ]
n.  子公司(分公司;辅助公司)


  1. Ltd. is a subcompany of HongkongNational Bridge Industrial(Holdings) Co. 地处南昌市青山湖大道北口(豫章大桥桥头)。
  2. Ltd. is a holding subcompany of China Machinery TDI International Engineer Co. 公司与国内外众多客商建立了稳定的合作关系,产品广泛应用于各行业、各领域。
  3. The subcompany is located in the No.8 Of Daxingdong Road, a main street of Xi an with an area of 30667 square meters. 分公司地处西安市主要公路干线大兴东路8号,占地30667平方米。
  4. The subcompany is located in the No.3 Dabaiyangnan Road within Beierhuan Road of Xi an with an area of 50590.6 Square meters. 分公司地处西安市北二环路以内大白杨南路3号;占地50590.;6平方米。
  5. For the first level and whole capital subcompany of Geely Group , the company takes on the important mission to sell Geely automobiles to overseas. 作为集团的一级全资外贸子公司,公司承担着吉利整车海外销售的重要任务。
  6. It has a subcompany, called YunNan YunZhiYe Biological Science and Technological co.,ltd, changes science research results to made production. 全资子公司云南云之叶生物科技有限公司是为生物中心配套成立的,将科研成果进行转换,形成产业化生产、销售于一体的公司;