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2024-02-12 05:25:16
美[sʌbkɔːteks]  英[sʌbkɔːteks]
n.  [解]下皮层;皮层下部
  形容词:subcortical  副词:subcortically  名词复数:subcortices


  1. The site of infarct was frequently located in the cortex and subcortex. 脑梗死常位于皮质和皮质下较表浅部位;
  2. The PET of 2 patients showed that there were many hypo-metablism areas in cortex or subcortex. PET影像检查显示2例患者存在多处皮质、皮质下代谢减低区;
  3. For instance, Pt. Endocrine is selected for irregular menstruation; Pt. Brain (Subcortex) for neuro-asthenia. 如月经病选内分泌;神经衰弱选皮质下等。
  4. In addition, some cortical hypo-metablism areas of PET were not correspondingly found lesions in cortex or subcortex by MRI. MRI中未发现相应皮质或皮质下白质病灶。
  5. Result In 9 of 10 cases,the lesions mainly located in cortex or subcortex region near to dura , all lesion showed markedly enhancement. 结果10例患者中9例病灶均靠硬脑膜面,位于皮层或皮层下,10例病灶均见有明显强化,8例呈实性伴或不伴环形强化,7例可见局部脑膜强化。
  6. Conclusions There are many hypo-metablism areas in cortex or subcortex in MS patients.The hypometablism areas may be correlated with the cognitive dysfunction of MS. 结论MS患者存在皮质及皮质下代谢减低,可能与其认知功能障碍有关。