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2024-02-12 05:37:17
美[sʌbdiːn]  英[sʌbdiːn]
n.  副助理监督;副助理主教


  1. So we invited Professor Chen, subdean of computer and software academe, to bring us her idea of "happy competition". 于是我们邀请了计算机学院、软件学院副院长陈越教授,为大家带来她的“快乐竞赛”理念。
  2. So we invited Professor Chen, subdean of computer and software academe, to bring us her idea of “happy competition”. 于是我们邀请了计算机学院、软件学院副院长陈越教授,为大家带来她的“快乐竞赛”理念。
  3. Another directer Longdahng with subdean ZhengShihe,whom of both before long once has engaged in advanced study in college of traditional Chinese medicine the Hunan province. 不久另调来院长龙大亨,和副院长郑时和,都曾在湖南省中医学院进修过。