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2024-02-12 05:50:16
美[sʌbˌdɪsəplɪn]  英[sʌbdɪsɪplɪn]
n.  学科的分支;亚学科


  1. Ecological andthropology is an important subdiscipline of anthropology. 摘要生态人类学是人类学领域中一门重要的分支学科。
  2. Neuroscience, perhaps more than any other biological subdiscipline, will force us to confront questions of equity. 神经科学可能比其他任何生物学门更迫使我们面对平等的问题。
  3. Endocrine disruption by environmental contaminants has recently emerged as a new subdiscipline of environmental toxicology. 近年来,在环境毒理学这门边缘学科中又诞生了一个新的领域,即环境污染对内分泌功能的扰乱。
  4. Educational economics should become an interdisciplinarity of pedagogics and economics, but not a subdiscipline of them. 教育经济学必须发展成为经济学和教育学的交叉学科,而不仅仅是二者的分支学科。
  5. Sociolinguistics emerged as a subdiscipline of linguistics studying all aspects of the relationship between language and society in 1960s. 社会语言学是语言学的一个重要分支,出现于二十世纪六十年代。社会语言学从社会的角度研究语言现象,也从语言的角度研究社会。
  6. In the United States and the rest of the Anglophone world, “philosophy of law” is a subdiscipline of philosophy, a special branch of what is nowadays frequently called “normative theory. 在美国或是其他英语国家,“法哲学”是哲学的一个子学科,也就是我们现在称之为“规范理论”的那个哲学分支。