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2024-02-12 06:49:17
美[sʌbdʒeɪsənt]  英[sʌbdʒeɪsnt]
adj.  在底下的;在下级的;在下方的


  1. lying nearby but lower;

    "hills and subjacent valleys"


  1. The subjacent and lateral strata previously have been compacted. 下卧层和旁侧层先已压实。
  2. Is not this second infinite, so to speak, subjacent to the first? 第二个无极是不是第一个的里层呢?
  3. The pavement, badly sustained by the subjacent sand, had given way and had produced a stoppage of the water. 铺路石的下面是沙子,没有坚实的支撑,所以铺路石弯曲,形成了雨水的积聚。
  4. The karstic collapse column is the old bedrock subside which the stiff non-dissolubility rock caved in subjacent karst cave. 岩溶陷落柱系指坚硬的非可溶性岩层向下伏岩溶洞穴坍塌的老基岩塌陷。
  5. For the deep soft soil, piles usually can"t penetrate the entire soft soillayer, and there is thick soft soil subjacent bed under the piles. 由于沿海地区的软土层较厚,基桩往往未穿透整个软弱土层,桩端下存在较厚的饱和软土层。
  6. For example subjacent device can store the drawer that the thing uses, the woodiness mesa after two-phase superposition also can regard as the table is used. 例如在下方装置了可储存东西用的抽屉,两相叠合后的木质台面也可以当作桌子使用。