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2024-02-12 07:10:17
美[sʌblesɔː]  英[ˌsʌblesɔː]
n.  转租人


  1. I rent this house from a sublessor without knowing who is the real landlord. 这房子是我从二房东手里租的,而房东是谁我也不知道。
  2. Though the rent for a shop in a PRH shopping mall is cheaper than that for a private one, its operator may have to pay his sublessor what is close to market rent. 然而,公屋商场店铺租金虽然比私屋便宜,却因二三房东的中间剥削,令一些真正的经营者要以贴近市场价格租用商场店铺。
  3. if the house is subleased, the sublessor shall provide the certification that the lessor consents to the sub-lease. 协助有关行政部门和街道、镇出租屋管理服务中心采集承租人和居住人员依法应当填报的信息资料;
  4. sublessor(of a room or house) 二房东