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2024-02-12 07:17:17
美[səblaɪm]  英[səblaɪm]
adj.  高尚的;壮观的;非凡的;极其的
vt.  变高尚;升华;气化
n.  顶峰;高尚
  副词:sublimely  名词:sublimeness  过去式:sublimed  过去分词:sublimed  现在分词:subliming  第三人称单数:sublimes


  1. 崇高的
  2. 庄严的
  3. 超群的
  4. 壮丽的
  5. 宏伟的
  6. 令人崇敬的
  7. 出众的
  8. <贬口>极端的
  9. 十足的
  10. 出奇的
  11. 卓越的
  12. 高尚的
  13. 高贵的
  14. 雄伟的
  15. 壮烈的
  16. 【化】升华的
  17. 傲慢的
  18. 无比的
  19. 【解】接近表面的
  1. 崇高
  2. 庄严
  3. 极点
  4. 壮观
  5. 出众
  6. 顶点
  7. 壮美
  8. 宏伟
  9. 至高无上
  10. 可敬
  11. 极端
  12. 纯化
  13. 崇高的事物
  14. 壮丽的景象
  15. 绝妙的东西
  16. 从高超到荒谬
  17. 从高妙到低俗
  1. (使)变高尚
  2. (使)纯化
  3. 【化】(使)升华
  4. 精练
  5. 气化
  6. 提高


  1. 伟大的,令人赞叹的,令人崇敬的 of the greatest,most admirable kind;causing awe and reverence


  1. inspiring awe;

    "well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity" "empyrean aplomb" "the sublime beauty of the night"

  2. worthy of adoration or reverence
  3. lifted up or set high;

    "their hearts were jocund and sublime"

  4. of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style;

    "an exalted ideal" "argue in terms of high-flown ideals" "a noble and lofty concept" "a grand purpose"

  1. vaporize and then condense right back again
  2. change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting;

    "sublime iodine" "some salts sublime when heated"


  1. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm.在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。
  2. I like sublime mountain scenery.我喜爱壮丽的山景。
  3. In the matter of profanity he was sublime.他破口乱骂的本领,也是卓越非凡的。
  4. The food was absolutely sublime.这吃的东西棒极了.
  5. Mrs. Branderton had a self-importance that was almost sublime.布兰德顿夫人几乎有一种极端的妄自尊大狂。
  1. He has the power to turn the ordinary into the sublime.爱人会化平凡为高尚,使生活得到升华。
  2. We can make our lives sublime.我们也能使生命变得高尚。
  3. I want to sublime my short love poem to a long living prose.我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。
  4. We pursue knowledge to throw off our old selves, to purify our spirits and souls, and to sublime ourselves in our work and life.工作和生活中,我们追求知识,挣脱旧我,纯洁精神,净化灵魂,升华自己。
  5. Dry ice will sublime when it sits in the air.干冰放置在空气中会气化。
  1. Art is about creativity, transmuting the humblest subjects into the sublime.艺术是一种创造力,能够把最卑贱的事物变得崇高庄严。