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2024-02-12 07:18:16
美[səblaɪmli]  英[səblaɪmli]
adv.  高尚地;卓越地


  1. completely; in a lofty and exalted manner;

    "awaking in me, sublimely unconscious, interest and energy for tackling these tasks"


  1. She was sublimely unaware of how foolishshe looked. 她根本不知道她的样子多愚蠢。
  2. In devotion woman is sublimely superior to man. 怜悯是女子胜过男子的德性之一。
  3. She was sublimely unaware of the trouble she had caused. 她压根儿没察觉自己闹出了乱子。
  4. She was sublimely unaware of how foolish she looked. 她根本不知道她的样子多愚蠢。
  5. He went and came back, and said--how sublimely brief! 他的仆人回来报告说:“没有什么”!“再去看”。
  6. Only now, as the news of Dolly, the sublimely oblivious sheep, becomes part of the cultural debate, are we beginning to come to terms with those soulquakes. 只有现在,当有关多利这个一度引人注目而现在被人遗忘的绵羊的消息成为文化争论的一部分时,我们才开始平息了这一心灵上的撞击。