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2024-02-12 07:28:17
美[ˌsʌbmændɪbjələ]  英[sʌbmændɪbjʊlə(r)]
adj.  [解]下颌下的
n.  颚下腺;下颌下腺管


  1. Enucleation of the submandibular gland. 下颌下腺摘除术。
  2. Fistula of the submandibular duct happened in another case. 1例患者发生下颌下腺导管瘘;
  3. CT can delineate the anatomy of the submandibular glands. It is a useful method for evaluating submandibular masses. 结论: CT可以明确颌下腺的解剖,有助于颌下腺肿块的定位和定性诊断。
  4. Objective: To study the effect of lead exposure on NGF in mouse submandibular gland. 目的:观察实验性铅中毒对小鼠颌下腺神经生长因子(NGF)的影响。
  5. Aim To study the expression of P2X receptors in rat submandibular ganglion (SMG) neurons. 目的研究大鼠下颌下腺副交感神经节分离神经元不同P2X受体的表达。
  6. HBD-1 & HBD-2 were both detected in the submandibular acinus and ducts,highly stained in the ducts. 颌下腺腺泡和导管中都有HBD-1和HBD-2分布。