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2024-02-12 07:42:16
美[səbmɜːdʒəns]  英[səbmɜːdʒəns]
n.  下沉;下潜;淹没


  1. sinking until covered completely with water


  1. A submergence in Spirit or purification by Spirit. 精神洗礼或精神净化
  2. Most emergence or submergence does not remain strictly vertical. 大多数的上升或下降运动并非全然垂直。
  3. Submergence of BFP is a key procedure to exploit marginal oil and gas field economically. 平台沉放过程中,受到沿深度变流速水流的作用,并受到系泊锚索的约束。
  4. The minimum recommended submergence to prevent overheating will normally be noted in the pump manufacturers product information. 在泵制造商的产品说明书内通常会注明为防止过热所建议的最小潜水参数。
  5. Five minutes afterward, in another submergence, a mess of bodies poured down on them over the top of the cabin. 五分钟过后,又一排浪头打来,有几个人的躯体越过舱顶,砸在他们身上。
  6. Thus, once proper anti-vortexing submergence is established, the concern about motor overheating will frequently be eliminated. 因此,一旦配置了适当的防涡流潜水深度,通常就不需要担忧电机过热。